Monday, May 25, 2009

My crazy day

I want you to know that my blonde roots came out today. I was enjoying my time with Sherrie and Christi when I decided that I needed access to the internet. Sherrie first set up Christi's so she could get on. Then Sherrie took my laptop and tried to get it connected to her wireless router. Well, Sherrie could not get it to work, so, I called my husband. Like most men, he wanted me to tell him everything that the computer was doing and not doing. After about 15mins. I convinced him that it was okay and I did not need that internet. Well, after telling him that I loved him, I proceeded to try again. I succeeded but ! I ended up changing the internet server to my name and kicked everyone else off line. I can tell you, Sherrie was Not happy. I thought she might have to kill me. I asked her if she wanted me to call Barrett and that was a big NO! Christi was sitting beside of me just laughing. Leave it to the blonde to screw things up. Those who know me, know that this is not unusual. Anyway, we decided to go eat, hoping that when we get back everything will be okay. I went home and don't know how things went. I can only say that I AM VERY SORRY SHERRIE!!!! I love you very much and would never do anything like this on purpose.

Well, I hope that everyone has a great night and I will talk to you later.

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About Me

Midland, North Carolina, United States
I am 33 and trying to Live my life daily for Christ. I have learned over the last year that this is not an easy task. I have felt joy, love, anger, and sorrow because of the trials that I have been through. I know that God has allowed me to experience these things so that He can be glorified in all of this. I know to some, this makes no since. To others this will make perfect since. My prayer is that through this Blogg God can be glorified and people can be encouraged. Thank you.