Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ryan's B-Day

Tonight I spent the evening with my husband, Chris and Christi, Ryan and Devin. Today was Ryan's 9th birthday. We meet at the Subway in Monroe, near the mall. We ordered our food and sat down for some nice conversation and the Fart Machine. Yes, Barrett and I bought Ryan and Devin a Fart Machine for their birthday. They have had so much fun with them. Tonight we sat in Subway and let it rip. Laughter filled the air from 4 little boys. Yes, Chris and Barrett were having just as much fun as the real boys did. I can't wait to take a trip to WalMart or Target and let the power flow. I love you guys. I hope that you had a great birthday Ryan.

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About Me

Midland, North Carolina, United States
I am 33 and trying to Live my life daily for Christ. I have learned over the last year that this is not an easy task. I have felt joy, love, anger, and sorrow because of the trials that I have been through. I know that God has allowed me to experience these things so that He can be glorified in all of this. I know to some, this makes no since. To others this will make perfect since. My prayer is that through this Blogg God can be glorified and people can be encouraged. Thank you.